I’ve had the privilege of meeting people who, by all external measures, have made it. They could make the decision to never work again, but for some reason, keep conjuring up new projects and ideas and goals. This phenomenon is pretty interesting, given that many people dream of a day when they are no longer beholden to external responsibilities. A lesson I’ve learned from those that have reached this pinnacle of economic freedom is that there is something deeper than mere financial rewards to be gained from “work”.
I’m a pretty busy dude, though many of the responsibilities occupying my time have been taken up voluntarily. Over the years, many friends and family members have questioned my decision to do so much, and while there have been plenty of times that I have over-allocated my time, the reasoning that is often given for me to lessen my load seems faulty. Often I am told that I should strive to “stop doing, and just be”, and that the idea of work is somehow an intrinsically problematic concept. Though on the surface this truism may seem well-intentioned, it’s a pretty nebulous piece of advice. It may be the case that “just being” can work for a period of time, but we as humans are fundamentally load-bearing animals; we need something to do. Intervals of minimal work are important, but these periods can only last so long; our innate desire to work towards the attainment of some goal is stitched into our DNA and isn’t leaving anytime soon.
As a gift to all those who are ambitious, I’ll attempt to flesh out what I think the real intention behind people’s advice to “stop working so hard” is: KEEP doing. Do more and do better, however, don’t conflate working towards some goal with working for the sake of working. Work for work’s sake is the real issue, not striving toward that which is better. Don’t forget to take a break, and when you do, don’t feel guilty for it. Above all, through all the hardship and wins and losses and planning for the future and learning from the past, ensure to stay cognizant of the present. Don’t lose sight of the fact that every second is a gift, and remain eternally thankful for the miracle of your existence. :)-
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