The best way to ensure that you miss every goal you have is to over-optimize for efficiency.
Picture this: a small, shrimpy-looking dude gains the ambition to begin exercising. He buys all the right equipment, learns to track his macros, and starts hitting the gym. He schedules sessions with his personal trainer and follows all conventional wisdom that should lead him to the sculpted body that he so yearns for. There is one crucial issue, however! He has always been more into team sports, so weight training is kind of a drag. A year later, instead of embodying the physique of Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson, he’s still the same size; he fell out of the habit of working out despite his perfect workout plan. Sacrificing all enjoyment for efficiency typically results in premature failure.
Creating efficient habits is a noble endeavor! There is nothing wrong with making good use of the time, resources, and energy that we’ve been given; This line of thinking can, however, go too far.Â
Frequently, the best predictor of someone’s success isn’t how skilled they are or how much they know, it’s the amount of time they’ve stuck with something; In addition, skills typically compound over time, not simply gain at a predictable pace. This realization illuminates why over-optimization for efficiency is a problem: If you make a habit efficient to the point that you hate doing it, you’re likely to quit before you reap the rewards of compound interest.
It’s better to start an enjoyable business that brings in a moderate-income than to pursue a financially-lucrative venture that is painful to operate. Learning to play video game songs on the piano is better than learning classical music if it encourages you to keep learning. Finally, a fun but moderate workout routine is better than a strenuous weight lifting regimen that you despise.
The primary objective with most long-term goals is to do what is necessary to stay in the game. If it is worth doing, optimize so that you don’t quit BEFORE optimizing for efficiency.